strengths and weaknesses of a person



We explain what the strengths and weaknesses of a person are, how they impact individual life and social relationships.

Strengths help achieve goals and weaknesses involve obstacles.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of a person (examples)?

When we talk about strengths Y weaknesses of a person, we are referring respectively to the most desirable, valued and socially appreciated aspects of your personality, and the least desirable, valued and socially appreciated aspects. In other words, we are referring to the most positive and negative traits of their way of being.

It is important to understand that what we understand as strength or as weakness depends largely on a Social context, cultural and historical determined, since the values why the different societies Humanities are governed depend on their cultural background and also change as time passes.

So, what in a culture or historical moment can be considered positive, it can be negative in other contexts; although there are also very fundamental values ​​that tend to be shared by all cultures in all historical moments.

In the case of people, their strengths and weaknesses are evidenced according to their capacity to react in a certain way to certain situations.If this reaction is considered positive or desirable, it will be a strength; if not, it will be a weakness. The former will open doors for you and help you fulfill your goals proposals; the latter, on the other hand, will pose obstacles to overcome on this path.

Here is a list of competing examples of a person's strengths and weaknesses: the first item corresponds to strength and the second to weakness.

Resilience / Defeatism

The resilience is the ability to convert experiences negative or painful in learnings that facilitate the tasks of the future, that is, the ability to learn from undesirable experiences to turn them into a personal tool. A resilient person, like this, draws the lessons from what happens to him, so that it does not happen again, and continues on his way.

Instead, defeatism can be understood as surrender to defeat, that is, surrender to obstacles or negative experiences. Defeatist people fail to assimilate the bad that happens to them, but rather crushes them, paralyzes them and prevents them from continuing on their way, since it takes away their faith that a better panorama is possible in the immediate future.

Defeatists continually run out of energy, and they tend to give up easily at first setbacks.

Optimism / Pessimism

The optimism it is about the faith that the future is better than the past, which is why it is a value in most cultures. Optimistic people embrace changes and undertake projects, that is, they are more given to activity and resilience, as they do not lose hope that tomorrow is better than today.

Its counterpart, pessimism, is the opposite: the conviction that the best times are behind us and that every possible future will always go wrong, so it is not advisable to try so hard to undertake new things, or to make changes, because everything it could go hopelessly wrong. Pessimistic people often tend to be more passive, to look at the future with distrust and to adopt attitudes cynical and conformist.

Empathy / Apathy

Empathic people are willing to connect with the feelings of others.

People empathic They are those who put themselves in the emotional place of others, that is, who are compassionate and are willing to connect with the feelings of others. This makes them more generous and highly valued socially, since empathy generates a sense of gratitude in others.

The opposite is apathy, which consists of responding with indifference or even hostility to the needs of others. Apathetic people are those who refuse to agree with the other, who establish barriers between themselves and emotions outsiders, and that generally are not motivated with respect to collective causes.

Discipline / Indiscipline

Discipline is one of the great values ​​of humanity, put into practice in environments as different as the military, professional or artistic. Disciplined people are those who are capable of sustaining a practice or a conduct over time, as they have significant margins of self-control.

Discipline is what allows us to focus and not deviate from the goal, despite how tempting the alternatives may be, because we know that otherwise it will take us longer to get what we want.

The indiscipline is, instead, simply the lack of discipline. Indiscipline is the inability to stay on course for a long time, or to make the effort necessary to achieve goals. Undisciplined people are prone to procrastination, to interrupt homework to seek pleasures immediate, and generally tend to accomplish their goals in a slower and more disorganized manner.

Responsibility / Irresponsibility

Someone responsable He is the one who faces the consequences of his actions, that is, the one who stands up and takes charge, for better and for worse. This is another of the great values ​​professed by the humanity, and it is a highly desired trait in any type of relationship: personal, work, love, etc. Responsible people admit their faults and do not try to blame them on others, even when it means facing unpleasant consequences.

On the contrary, irresponsible people are those in whom it is more difficult to trust, since they are not prone to take charge of their own decisions, but rather seek to blame others, or seek to flee from responsibilities instead of stand up to them.

Irresponsibility manifests itself, above all, when the consequences of one's actions are unpleasant, since the pleasant consequences are much easier to handle.

Honesty / Dishonesty

This case is similar to the previous one, but it has more to do with the person's commitment to truth. An honest person is one who prefers the truth over deception, even when it means giving up rewards that do not legitimately correspond to him, or assuming unpleasant situations. An honest person is one who returns his wallet to another without taking the money inside him.

In contrast, dishonesty represents a preference for deception over the truth, especially when it involves personal gain: acquiring rewards that have not been deserved, or avoiding punishment that they deserve. Therefore, it is a weakness widely criticized in cultures and religions. A dishonest person is capable of lying, pretending or concealing the truth, and in general they are people in whom it is very difficult to trust again.

Tolerance / Intolerance

Tolerance is the ability to coexist with others, knowing that they have - as everyone does, we also have - unpleasant, heavy or difficult aspects to bear. Tolerant people let others be who they are, and try to have patient attitudes in demanding social situations.

While intolerant people are those who are incapable of such patience, and who respond with hostility, frustration or anger to situations in which others do not conform to the norm, or what one would expect of them, or even in the cases in which the difference between people, religions or cultures becomes manifest.

Intolerance, more than a weakness, can become a danger, as people can lose control and fall into fanaticism and violence.

Self-confidence / Insecurity

As its name implies, self-confidence is self-confidence, and it manifests itself in the security with which we carry out our actions. A person with self-confidence will inspire others to follow, listen to, and value their comments, as long as that self-confidence is not exceeded and ends up being pride or arrogance.

On the contrary, insecurity consists of questioning everything that is known, done or said, and is often the result of a low self-esteem, since insecure people feel handicapped, disadvantaged, compared to others.

The worst thing is that on many occasions these insecure people know how to do things better than anyone else, but their attitude and self-sabotage is such that no one pays attention to them or takes them seriously, thus reinforcing the feeling of handicap that in turn causes more unsafety.

Tenacity / Conformity

Tenacious people seek to achieve their goals despite difficulties.

The tenacity It is a property of metals, which allows them to maintain their shape despite forces acting on them. Metaphorically, it becomes the ability of people to insist on what they want, to stay in the race until it is finished, and not to quit, not to quit, not to give in. These people are called "tenacious" and usually, by the mere fact of being tireless, obtain the goals they set for themselves.

On the contrary, conformism means accepting right off the bat that one is not capable of doing something, or that one will not have what one wants, or that certain goals are out of reach, even when they are not.

The goals that a persistent person achieves by insisting may also be within the reach of a conformist person, but the latter prefers to do the minimum effort and do not insist on what has not been easily given.

Patience / Impatience

The patience It is a value extolled by many religions, and understood as a mixture of tolerance, tenacity and stoicity, that is, as the ability to wait for what one wants without despair or frustration, or to tolerate unpleasant situations without giving in to aggressive impulses. Patient people know how to wait for rewards to come or for unpleasant things to happen.

On the contrary, impatient people do not know how to wait, they easily give in to anguish and despair, because they want everything to be resolved immediately. As in the vast majority of cases, things do not usually depend on our Will They are only people who suffer a lot and that suffering leads to irritability, hostility or defeat.

Versatility / Rigidity

A person versatile It is one that, faced with needs of a different nature, knows how to adapt to each one. In other words, a flexible person can occupy different places and perform different tasks, since they are more committed to obtaining results and learning than with other types of emotions. For example, a versatile baseball player is one who is comfortable playing in different positions.

Meanwhile, rigid people are those who are inflexible in situations that do not adapt to their preconceived notions, that is, instead of adapting and flowing with the situation, they wait for the situation to be corrected to adapt to their thoughts.

In general, they are people who are very committed to a very strict notion of "truth" or "justice" or who feel an excessive attachment to the rules and the laws. This in itself should not be a bad thing, but reality is complex and situations often require adaptability and fluidity, and rigid people lack such talents.

Commitment / Indifference

Commitment involves undertaking a collective cause as if it were personal.

When we talk about commitmentWe refer to what is colloquially referred to as “putting on the team shirt”, that is, undertaking a collective cause as if it were personal, which is essential when working as a group. A committed person is one who assumes with importance the causes with which he has been involved.

The opposite is a person indifferent, who shows little or no interest in collective causes or in the work in which he is involved, and that in the end it all comes down to his individual well-being or individual wishes. Indifferent people do not tend to be passionate about group projects, nor embrace collective ideas as their own, either by selfishness, apathy or other personal reasons.

Proactivity / Reactivity

The proactivity is the power to generate new scenarios, to propose ideas or to take action, with no other motivator than one's own will and commitment. A proactive person is one who does not need to be told what to do, because either he is finding out, or is making decisions on his own, but is committed to solving the problem. trouble. They are people, say, prone to action.

Therefore, reactivity is the opposite: the need for an external stimulus to take action. Reactive people, therefore, need continuous supervision or assistance, since they have low rates of initiative, or a lot of fear of failure, or very little commitment to the cause, and therefore prefer to react to others, than to undertake on their own. account some kind of actions. It is, in a way, a form of passivity.

Determination / Indecision

Determination is the ability to take decisions quickly and clearly, focused and relevant. A given person knows what they want, and makes decisions based on it, whether they get it (and get excited) or not (and get disappointed).

On the other hand, an indecisive or indeterminate person is one who finds it very difficult to express what he wants, often because he is not clear at all.

When it comes to deciding, they tend to delay, repent, continuously consult others and it is very common for them to end up being carried away by the masses, or allowing the context to determine the situation instead of their own will. Seen like this, it is difficult for them to be satisfied or enthusiastic, since they almost never get what they want.

Efficiency / Inefficiency

The efficiency is the ability to carry out a task in the best possible way, that is, with the least waste of means and within the acceptable times for it.

Although the efficiency of a person in a certain task is not only determined by their attitude (for example, if they do not have the right tools, it is very difficult to be efficient), efficiency can also be understood as a willingness to do things the best. possible given the resources you have.

On the contrary, inefficiency translates into performing tasks in a costly, time-consuming way that takes little or no benefit from available resources, and often causes processes to become harsh rather than streamlined. Again, inefficiency can be affected by objective conditions, but in general it has to do with the personal capacity to take advantage of the resources that are available.

Benevolence / Severity

Benevolence is the possibility of empathizing with the other, especially when it implies the failure of their tasks or the disappointment of our expectations. Therefore, it is a strength in cases of leadership or leadershipSince an understanding superior tends to enjoy the affection and commitment of his subordinates, although there may always be exceptions to the rule.

Instead, severity implies an attitude of inflexibility and rigidity in the face of the failures or delays of the other, which in a leadership position translates into fostering fear, resentment, and anger among subordinates.

A severe person cares little about the mitigating conditions or the conditions that govern the fulfillment of a task: they only care that it is fulfilled, and they are willing to punish the person responsible if this does not happen, without giving second chances. These are people with often unattainable levels of demand.

Gratitude / Ingratitude

A grateful person creates positive circuits between his success and that of others.

The gratitude It is understood as the willingness to acknowledge the help received, or to value the advantages that are possessed in a fair measure.

This is one of the values ​​most universally promoted by religion, and in modern times by self-help, since a grateful attitude towards life makes setbacks more bearable, since they are always in the light of the good things of which Its enjoyable. Thus, a grateful person is ready to acknowledge to others what they have done for him, creating positive circuits between his success and the alien.

The opposite case, of ingratitude, is a form of ill will or inability to recognize that not everything that one has or is achieved is the result of one's own effort, but that there were third parties involved in one's own success. Ungrateful people lack humility, and are not prone to return favors received, so they tend to quickly run out of allies.

Humility / Arrogance

The modesty It is a value highly promoted in the Western philosophical and religious tradition, which consists in giving oneself the right place it deserves, without pretending to be better than it is, and being willing to recognize and accept one's own limitations.

Humble people are at peace with themselves, and do not need the admiration of others to such a degree that they betray their values ​​or overestimate their achievements. These types of people are usually welcome in all groups and around them, bonds are formed based on honesty, rather than appearances.

Instead, someone prepotent, that is, arrogantproud, he is a person with a more glorious vision of himself than he really is, or who has no qualms about bragging about himself, no matter how that makes others feel.

Pushy people, in general, are compensating for feelings of worthlessness or inferiority that they do not dare to confess and confront, and by continually feeling disadvantaged, they tend to show themselves better than they are.This makes them irritable, frustrated or intolerant of competition, and they can fall apart if someone or some situation threatens to unmask them, because deep down they are disguised by life.

Prudence / Recklessness

Prudence is the attentive and cautious attitude in the face of an unknown or risky scenario. Prudent people tend to weigh the danger and to take precautions before acting, so they run less risks and they walk it safe. While being too cautious can get in the way of action, prudent people generally do better.

On the contrary, recklessness is the inability to calculate risks well, which causes people to jump into danger unprepared.

Reckless people take risks unnecessarily, face situations without being ready for them, often victims of overconfidence or simply impatience. Although things may eventually turn out well for them, in general they will always do so in an unexpected way, with unforeseeable consequences.

Concentration / Dispersion

Concentration is a fundamental ability to carry out any task in the best possible way, and that consists of focusing the mind on a task, avoiding distractions and other tasks to be done. Without concentration it is impossible to learn, and people with greater capacity for concentration tend to go deeper into things than people who are scattered.

On the other hand, dispersion is the inability to focus on a single thing, continuously jumping from one to another, from one topic to another, from one task to the next, without rhyme or reason. Scattered people tend to take significantly longer to complete a task, undertaking several at once and progressing slowly through all, often without a plan or plan. methodbut through sheer mental chaos.

Experience / Inexperience

Inexperience is overcome with time and the practice of an activity.

The experience can be understood as accumulated learning over time, obtained from reality itself and not from educational training.

A person experienced in an area is someone who has lived through many similar situations or who has worked in it for a long time, and who therefore has the know-how ("Know-how") necessary to adapt quickly to new similar tasks. For that reason, workers experienced are better valued than inexperienced.

Instead, inexperience is lack of experience. It is typical of young people, or of people who are entering certain fields and areas for the first time, and it is a weakness that, fortunately, resolves itself with the weather.

Autonomy / Dependence

We understand the autonomy such as the ability to govern oneself, that is, the ability to make decisions independently, to undertake tasks without the need for continuous supervision and, in general, the ability to act independently.

Autonomy should not be confused with recklessness or arrogance, however: an autonomous person has no problem consulting those who know the most about a thing, but will then tend to make informed decisions on their own.

On the contrary, dependency is the lack or absence of autonomy, which prevents people from behaving independently and forces them to continually consult others. A dependent person will have trouble making decisions and will generally show little initiative, little tenacity, and high rates of reactivity.

Charisma / Antipathy

Not everyone was born to be a LeaderBut we all have to some extent a certain degree of charisma, which is the ability to get in tune with others, that is, to like them, to make them follow us in something. Charismatic people, therefore, possess much of that talent, and are well suited to lead. groups, promote initiatives and occupy leadership positions. They have what is popularly known as the "gift of people."

On the contrary, unpleasant people have low levels of charisma, that is, they tend to dislike others. These people will therefore find it increasingly difficult to occupy leadership positions, as people will be more resistant to their leadership. authority And it will tend to demand more demonstrations of what it says, since trust flows more easily towards charismatic people.

Teamwork / Individuality

In general, the ability to teamwork It is considered a strength, especially in the workplace. It translates, as its name indicates, into the ease of being part of a group, that is, to be part of a social network. People prone to teamwork are less competitive, more understanding, and generally more sociable than people with high levels of individualism.

Therefore, individualism is the difficulty of teamwork, either due to high levels of perfectionism, competitiveness or jealousy, or simply due to personal preferences.

This is not necessarily a weakness in all aspects of life, but in the vast majority of work situations it is. For example, it is one thing that we are writing a novel and we do not accept interference from anyone, and it is quite another that we integrate a team of professionals and do not want to collaborate with the joint advancement of the organization, but rather that we insist on doing it alone.

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