historical materialism



We explain what historical materialism is, its creators, how they understand history and the modes of production they find in it.

Historical materialism is the conceptual proposal made by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.

What is historical materialism?

Historical materialism or materialist conception of history is known as the conceptual proposal made by Karl Marx (1818-1883) and Friedrich Engels (1820-1895) to understand the history human from the point of view of social class struggle for the control of means of production.

In other words, it is about the way of conceiving human history that Marxist thought proposes, and that is opposed to the traditional bourgeois interpretation that understands history as the history of the ideas and of the "great men".

From the Marxist point of view, history is the history of a struggle: the revolutions policies are explained by the conflict between two or more social classes who try to take over the means of production and thus establish an economic system according to their wishes and needs.

Thus, the contradiction between the productive forces and the relations of production (or, more simply, between those who do the work and those who administer the economy) has pushed the change in our societies, so that every socio-productive system can be explained if we review its historical conditions of emergence.

Thus, human history can be organized according to production models, each one typical of a certain time and of the procedures, tools and productive mechanisms that characterize it:

In short, historical materialism proposes to approach history from the empirical relationships established between individuals, and not from an ideological presupposition.

For this reason, it was part of the Marxist aspiration for a "scientific" communism: a doctrine politics that was sustained in a rational, explicable and verifiable conceptual apparatus, that is, in a theoretical conception of history. Many compared this view of human history (or human production) with the history of species formulated by Charles Darwin (1809-1882), in the sense that it was based on verifiable formal evidence.

Even so, at the time, this materialist conception of history was accused of incurring in economic determinism, that is, in reducing history to the merely economic, thus obviating the influence of the world of culture and ideas, among other extra aspects. -economic. For many this is just an economistic interpretation of what Marx and Engels proposed.

The term historical materialism was not used even by Marx, however, but was later coined by the Russian Marxist theorist Georgy Plekhanov (1856-1918) and used by Engels after the death of Marx himself. Although this concept is strongly linked to Marxist thought, it has been extremely useful in the theoretical elaboration of the study of history, by academics and thinkers not affiliated with Marxist thought.

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