


We explain what pedagogy is, its history, types and characteristics. In addition, how it is studied and its relationship with education.

The pedagogy that studies education and teaching.

What is pedagogy?

Pedagogy is thescience who studies theeducation. The main object of his study is education as a socio-cultural phenomenon, so there areknowledge other sciences that help to understand the concept of education, such as thehistory, thepsychology, thesociology, thepolitics.

Pedagogy has the function of guiding educational actions based on certain practices, techniques, principles andmethods. Throughout history, many have been the pedagogues who were in charge of raising their own theories about pedagogy.

Pedagogy is associated with another science called andragogy, in charge of training the persons What humans permanent, taking into account their experiences and experiences social and cultural.

See also:Didactics

Origin of pedagogy

The use of methods and forms to transmit knowledge gives the idea that pedagogy, although not called as such, has been present from the beginning of the communities. Greece and eastern civilizations such as the Egyptian or Chinese were the first to establish methods and systematize access to knowledge.

The great Greek thinkers such as Plato, Socrates and Aristotle established in their writings the importance of assigning methods for the knowledge and study of certain disciplines. Access to education was a privilege of a small portion of the society both Greek and Roman.

In the seventeenth century, Juan Amos Comenio laid some of the foundations of pedagogy in his work: “Didactica Magna”. There he exposes the importance of education in the development of children.

Also in the seventeenth century the so-called "traditional pedagogy" emerged in France. Run by the Jesuits, it highlighted the school as the main source of cultural and religious transmission within society. Traditional pedagogy is based on the transmission of knowledge by a teacher and is characterized by the passive role of the students.

Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi and Jean-Jacques Rousseau laid the foundations for modern pedagogy, along with other thinkers of the 18th century. Both put the focus on the evolution of methodologies pedagogical.

They encouraged the development of teaching methods that put aside rigid education and memorization of concepts to give way to observation, the experimentation and the reasoning so that children can learn through experiences. In his work "Emilio", Rousseau highlighted the importance of education through the awakening of the interest of the child and not of discipline.

Beginning in the 19th century, and throughout the 20th century, modern pedagogy focused on the teacher-student relationship and on the development of students' capacities. Thinkers such as Johann Friedrich Herbart, John Dewey, María Montessori and Jean Piaget made notable contributions in the different types of pedagogies.

Etymology of pedagogy

The concept of pedagogy comes from the Greek (paidagogeo), paidos which means "child" and ago which means "guide." It is believed that the term refers to the first pedagogues of ancient Greece who were those slaves who had to take children to school.

In the Royal Spanish Academy, pedagogy is defined as the science that studies education and teaching, which has asobjectives provide sufficient content to be able to plan, evaluate and execute the processes ofteaching Ylearning, making use of other sciences.

Characteristics of pedagogy

  • It is a fundamental tool in educational planning.
  • It uses methods and tools to transmit knowledge, abilities or values.
  • It is studied by many thinkers who contribute their vision and approaches.
  • It is applied at school, at home and in all areas in which the child develops.
  • It can be of various types: some teacher-centered and some student-centered.
  • Uses knowledge and tools from various disciplines such as psychology, philosophy or sociology.

Types of pedagogy

Waldorf education educates taking into account the creative and artistic capacity.

There are different types of pedagogies that vary according to their own characteristics or the field in which they are applied. Some of the most relevant are:

  • Children pedagogy. The object of study is the education of children. The stage of growth of a child is very important, since it is when fundamental competences are acquired for the rest oflife, so the work of educators is essential.
  • Critical pedagogy. The main objective is to transform thesystem traditional and develop a critical thinking in each of the students.
  • Conceptual pedagogy. The main objective is to develop the thought, the values ​​and abilities of each student taking into account their age. This type of pedagogy is divided into: affective, cognitive and expressive.
  • Social pedagogy. The main objective is to develop the equal opportunities in accessing education and putting education at the service of the development of all individuals.
  • Waldorf education. The main objective is the education of a person, in his autonomy YLiberty, and takes into account the capacity creative and artistic of each person. This pedagogical model was created by the founder of anthroposophy, Rudolf Steiner, and is structured in three levels: the first covers children up to six years of age and activities that focus on the development of the senses and corporeity; the next one is for children from seven to thirteen years old, at this level the discovery that each one of them has about the world is taken into account; the last level goes up to twenty-one years of age, and this is when autonomous thinking and understanding develops.
  • Psychopedagogy. The main objective is to study the psychological processes that occur during learning. It arises from the union of pedagogy and psychology, and is most often developed and implemented in learning disorders and vocational guidance. Currently, many educators turn to psychopedagogy to correct and orient themselves in issues related to learning difficulties, in such a way that this science directly helps them to develop a better compression process and provides tools that will be very useful. for your future.

Pedagogy career

There are many options when it comes to studying pedagogy at university. Depending on the university, studies are offered differently and under different names, approaches, and study plans.

One of the most common careers in the field of pedagogy is "Educational Sciences". It is the university degree in which educational phenomena are studied from different points of view and is offered in many public and private universities around the world.

On the other hand, psychopedagogy is another discipline that is studied as a degree in universities in various countries, combining knowledge and methods of applied psychology to pedagogy.

Pedagogy and education

The concept of pedagogy is often confused with that of education, but to understand pedagogy, one must first understand the concept of education correctly. Education is that training that is given to an individual or group of individuals in order to develop their intellectual, moral or affective capacity.

Pedagogy has its roots in education, since it arises from the need to systematize and create methods for access to education, that is, methods for the transmission of knowledge, traditions, values ​​or culture.

Both concepts are very related, possibly both disciplines have arisen simultaneously in the first civilizations. Pedagogy is a set of methods and resources to put the educational process into practice.

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