organizational behavior



We explain what organizational behavior is, its different approaches, objectives, importance and other characteristics.

The dynamics of an organization can influence human behavior.

What is organizational behavior?

By organizational behavior we mean a discipline that studies the possible impact of individuals, groups Y structures within the operation of a business or organization, in order to design strategies improvement of effectiveness within the latter.

That is, it is about the study and research applied, which focus on the internal functioning of organizations, based on different levels of analysis, such as:

Organizational behavior starts from the idea that the human conduct it is, to some extent, predictable, and that the dynamics set in motion within an organization can influence it positively or negatively.

To do this, he makes use of tools from other nearby disciplines, such as management, the psychology, the sociology, the communication Sciences and even the anthropology.

Organizational behavior characteristics

Organizational behavior is characterized by:

  • Constitute a method transdisciplinary of analysis of organizations, which seeks to optimize the type of response of the same to a given stimulus.
  • It is handled at a specific level of solution problems (objective, observable and quantifiable behavior), and also at an abstract level (the values, the predispositions, the cultural guides that guide our conduct).
  • It proposes the systematic, structural study of human behavior, based on a complex dynamic of stimuli and behaviors.
  • It aims to describe, understand and predict the dynamics of behavior within a given organization.

Importance of organizational behavior

The predictive capacity that facilitates organizational behavior can be very useful when evaluating the performance of an organization, since it considers a human factor that is normally difficult to measure.

In this sense, it is a different, complete and dynamic administrative study tool, which may well be applied both to the business world and to that of the politics.

Approaches to Organizational Behavior

Organizational behavior presents different approaches, depending on the elements to be studied within the organization:

  • Focus of human Resources. Focused on the dynamics of recruitment, disengagement, motivation, rotation Y communication of the company's staff.
  • Contingent approach. Focused on the possible environmental conditions (contingencies) that may arise in the organization, in order to establish, based on this, the most appropriate administrative actions for each case.
  • Results-oriented approach. Focused on achieving goals, and therefore privileging Projects and the results above weather invested, in order to redesign the dynamics necessary to streamline the organization internally.
  • Focus of systems. Focused on the set of structures and dynamics that make up the organization, to apply the general theory of systems to its optimization and early resolution of problems.

Organizational Behavior Goals

This type of analysis pursues objectives such as improving quality and productivity, the improvement of services. It can also be aimed at preparing staff for the decision making low-level, which are obviously desirable objectives in any company, and which have an impact on its efficiency.

At the same time, it allows to achieve other types of goals, such as adapting the organization to the requirements of the globalization and the eventual diversity cultural and ethnic of its workers.

It can also target the resolution of issues ethical internally, or even the stimulus to the innovation and change, all of which is essential in times of great business demand, such as those announced by the 21st century.

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