professional ethics



We explain what professional ethics is and what it is for. Also, the different types of professional ethics and business ethics.

Responsibility is an essential part of professional ethics.

What is professional ethics?

Professional ethics refers to the set ofrules Y values that improve the development of professional activities. It is in charge of determining the ethical guidelines that should govern within the work environment. These guidelines are based on universal values ​​possessed by theHumans.

The ethics is the science in charge of studying the behaviors of human beings under norms that contribute to social harmony. Work ethic is essential in any person want to work, as it involves the practice of values ​​such as the responsibilitypuntuality, honesty, constancy,character, Justice, discretion.

Responsibility is an essential part when we talk about professional ethics, since it will ensure that each person can carry out their work in a fair and professional way.

Often appear conflicts when there are discrepancies between professional ethics and personal ethics. In such cases, people should take action, such as conscientious objection, if they believe that they are not acting correctly.

See also:Professionalism

What is professional ethics for?

Professional ethics determine how a professional should act in a given situation. The professional faces different situations daily, and professional ethics foresees mistakes and determines what is right and what is not, both moral as ethically in a certain professional field. Professional ethics seeks to privilege the common good over the particular interests of each employee.

Many organizations and professions have a code of ethics in which the values ​​that should be reflected in the actions of the professionals are detailed. These values ​​are translated into standards that must be known to all. Professional ethics are based on many of the values ​​that govern life in society: honesty, I respect, justice, responsibility.

All employees of an organization or business must know the values ​​that govern the institution. Professional ethics seeks that professionals carry out actions that are aligned with these values.

Characteristics of professional ethics

  • Reflects the values ​​of a profession or organization. Professional ethics is based on a set of values. It assumes that professionals guide their actions through these values ​​and that their actions benefit the profession and the whole of society. Ethical acts imply responsibility.
  • In some cases it is specified in codes of ethics. Many professions and organizations or companies have a code of ethics that specifies the behaviors expected and not expected of members and professionals.
  • It does not involve coercion. Failure to comply with the rules established based on professional ethics is free of physical punishment, sanctions or fines, this differentiates them from the legal norms. However, when these regulations are specified in the code of ethics, they may be subject to sanction.
  • It is based on duties and rights. Professional ethics governs the behavior of those who exercise a certain profession or of the members of a company or organization. Professional ethics implies duties that must be fulfilled by professionals. Rights are also important in professional ethics, since if a professional maintains that there is something that does not respond to what he considers correct in his ethical thinking, he should under no circumstances be obliged to do so.

Importance of professional ethics

Professional ethics seeks that certain values ​​prevail within a community of professionals. Respect for professional ethics is very important, since by respecting it, certain social norms Y moral that promote social harmony. Respect for ethical and moral values ​​and behaviors contributes to the development of more just and egalitarian societies.

Professional ethics is vital in trades or professions whose decisions affect the lives of other people, such as doctors or journalists. In these codes of professional ethics, the truth, honesty and justice.

Within a company or organization, professional ethics contributes to harmony in the relationships between its members and with the environment that surrounds it. An organization benefits when all its members know and act according to certain values ​​and norms since this generates confidence in the customers and in the community.

Types of professional ethics

The professional ethics of journalism points to truth and pluralism.
  • Professional ethics of the lawyer. Fundamental values ​​are put into practice in the legal profession, such as justice, honesty,loyalty, diligence and professional secrecy.
  • Professional ethics of a teacher. For all theteachers It is extremely important to develop ethical principles, since they have a great social responsibility to transmit them to others.
  • Professional ethics of a psychologist. These professionals have their own ethical codes when handling their work. Some values ​​of his work are confidentiality, responsibility and honesty between both parties, that is, professional-patient.
  • Professional ethics of an administrator. In the management of companies there are codes that are considered within an ethical framework. The loyalty, legality, diligence and honesty are the fundamental ethical values ​​to carry out these works.
  • Professional ethics of a journalist. Journalists have a deontological code that determines certain values ​​and behaviors that should govern their conduct. Communication professionals must work based on values ​​such as truth, precision when providing information, respect for the principles of democracy, pluralism and tolerance.
  • Professional ethics of a doctor. Medical deontology is governed by a series of values ​​and behaviors that all health professionals must respect.

Practical examples of professional ethics

  • A psychologist who does not reveal the personal information provided by his patient fulfills a duty of professional ethics.
  • A lawyer who protects the evidence in a court case fulfills her professional duty.
  • A bank employee who comes to work on time complies with the values ​​of professional ethics.
  • A security worker who does not accept bribes respects the values ​​of professional ethics.

Professional characteristics

A profession is an activity that is chosen personally and offered to others for their benefit and for their own benefit. The conditions to carry out these activities are diverse, and the main one is to apply professional ethics.

The strict sense of the word "profession" refers only to university careers, but one can also speak of trades, since they are avocation that is also at the service of other people.

All workers must apply professional ethics in every activity that is within their reach, since this set of rules will make that work worthwhile.

An individual will be able to establish his professional ethics by means of two fundamental points:

  • Individual values. They are all those values ​​that a person possesses through their experiences, experiences and your own will.
  • Official code of ethics. This type of code governs the ethical behavior of a professional.

People must be responsible for their own actions, since they act with Liberty, will and intelligence, and not in a forced way. The choice of a career has to do with freedom and will, therefore, the person must be respectful of obligations andRights that that profession entails.

Ethics in business

Professional ethics comes from the concept of business ethics, which establishes how the conditions in which a human being interacts with their environment should be. It is important that the professional offers a fair service and does a good job: what is appropriate and what is good for clients.

Business ethics has three branches:

  • Limited economicism. Has asobjective maximize profits, but respecting legal regulations.
  • Rationalistic dualism. Look for the benefits, but respecting the principles established by some rationalistic ethical theory.
  • Moderate realism. It understands that human beings can identify the needs of their environment and establish an equitable relationship with this environment.
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